Stella (The Star) ☆- Lumina Sterne

Lumina Sterne is a minor vocal that is packaged with Krios as a sort of extra bonus voice. She is voiced by Stars, the artist and designer of the Vocal Plugins.


Etymology: "Lumina" from the word "Luminous", referring to star brightness.
Nationality & Species: Human, hailing from the United States.
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Star (N/A)
VoiceType: Cute and Solid

She's a bubbly character who "shoots for the stars." Kind and trusting to what most people would call a fault, yet strong willed and stubborn as hell. Also, due to her "shoot for the stars~" personality, she has her moments where she misses/willingly skips the details. However, she can be very chill and relaxed/lazy when she wants to be. She loves singing just because it's fun!

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